التوصيل مجاني لجميع مدن المغرب - 0717431139

Description :

Hassbro table game futbasket f0086121

Futbasket is a fun, fast-paced game that combines elements of table football and basketball. It takes skill, patience and a little luck. Turn the knobs to control the figures on the field and throw balls into the opponent's basket. Each orange ball is worth 1 point, and gold is a 2 point. The winner of the game will be the first to score 5 points. Try an alternative version of the game-leave only one ball on the field and compete with the opponent in accuracy! This exciting and fun board game is perfect for the children's company as well as a great birthday gift!

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إتمام عملية الشراء

لاستلام طلبكم في أسرع وقت، المرجو ملأ الأستمارة بشكل مفصل


تمت إضافة المنتوج إلى السلة بنجاح


أثمنة إستثنائية